Video for Family Law Firms

How to Use Video While Marketing Your Family Law Firm 

Millions of people are struggling with family law matters, and many could use the services of a qualified attorney. Statistics show that over 90% of people that have legal questions turn to search engines for help. If your family law firm is trying to reach this audience, video marketing is one of the most effective ways to do it.

Lawyer video marketing has become more prevalent than ever. A staggering 87% of marketing professionals use video as a marketing tool. If you’re a family law attorney looking to attract more leads and convert more clients, here is how you can use video marketing to achieve your goals.

Why Your Family Law Firm Should Use Video Marketing

Video marketing is a good idea for your family law practice because it produces results. Over 1 billion hours of YouTube video content was watched each day in 2020. While traditional marketing approaches like direct mail and word of mouth can still bring in some clients, you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you ignored this form of digital marketing.

And don’t let your competitors get ahead by investing resources in this valuable content strategy while you ignore it. If you’re still on the fence, here are several reasons why you should consider this strategy:

  1. It Creates Brand Awareness

If you want to get your family law firm noticed, video marketing is just the ticket. People love watching videos as part of their research process because they’re easy to consume.

  1. It Educates Your Potential Clients

When clients are discovering that a family lawyer might be able to help them, part of that process is educational. Your video content plays a large role in the process.

  1. It Improves SEO and Drives Traffic

Since most of your potential clients are searching for services online, your search engine rankings are vital. Video content can help you rank better in the search engines and even give you an additional spot in organic search with a “video” ranking.

  1. It Highlights Your Skills and Experience

Again, when prospective clients are trying to decide which family law firm to hire, they can watch video content that showcases your experience, skills, and results to validate that they are making the right choice.

How to Use Videos While Marketing Your Family Law Services

More than ever before, people are turning to their smartphones and laptops to seek legal advice and find a potential lawyer to solve their issues. Here are some of the ways your family law firm can use video content to market its legal services.

  1. Develop Educational Content That Answers Specific Questions

You or your online marketing partner should be conducting keyword research to determine what your target audience’s pain points are. Specifically, what questions are they asking the search engines, and what problems are they trying to solve?

Few people can resolve a family law issue without legal assistance. So it’s a misconception that you are “giving away the farm” or spilling secrets by answering questions. The more forthcoming you are with information and answers, the more trust you’re going to build with your audience.

Knowing this, create a list of those common questions and then set out to answer them using short videos. If people want to know about the “divorce process in Alabama,” explain it. Or maybe there are frequent questions about asset division, child custody, or adoption in your state. There is likely a lot of opportunity for explainer video content in the area of family law.

  1. Create a high-quality branded video for your law firm’s homepage

We say this a lot, and it’s particularly the case with family law – People don’t hire a family law firm. Instead, they hire a lawyer. What this means is that family law is incredibly personal and emotional. When someone needs the services of a family lawyer, they often want to hire a person they connect with instead of an impersonal corporate brand.

Having a video on your website’s homepage can help personalize your firm and its family law attorneys. This type of video is targeted at people who have already decided they need a lawyer and have advanced to shopping for the best choice.

Your law firm’s branded video can include some of these elements:

  • Give a brief background of your firm’s history.
  • Explain what makes your firm different from others in the area.
  • Include a few words from each of your family lawyers.
  • Show some shots of your law firm or the surrounding location.
  1. Post customer testimonial and case study videos to build trust.

Another type of video content that will provide value to customers is testimonials and case studies. Again, this is content that helps move prospects from the decision stage to a commitment.

Prospective clients want to hear from other people just like themselves that have used your law firm. If you can persuade prior family law clients to give a short video testimonial, this could make a huge difference in your results.

Some clients are reluctant to go on camera after an emotional family law case. And that’s ok, too. You can also create a series of video case studies that walk your viewer through different family law scenarios from start to finish. A few examples include a high-value divorce case in Mississippi or resolving a child custody issue using the collaborative law process.

Get Started With Video Marketing Now

More and more potential clients are watching online video content to get answers to their questions and decide which family law firm they’re going to hire. So, if they aren’t watching your video, they’re probably watching a competitor’s videos.

You don’t have to have an in-house production studio to create law firm video content that converts. At Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing, we understand how to create the right mix of professional and authentic video content for our clients, so they get the results they need. Contact us today to learn more about our services.

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