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5 Tips for Marketing Your Bankruptcy Law Firm

Post COVID, Marketing Your Bankruptcy Firm Has Become Even More Competitive

Bankruptcy attorneys help clients going through tough times get a financial fresh start through the bankruptcy process. Most people that are having financial troubles will turn to the internet for answers. A well-executed online marketing campaign can bring a consistent stream of new clients to your bankruptcy firm. If you want to stand out and get chosen over your competitors, here are five tips that can help you get more clients.

  1. Create Your Law Firm’s Value Proposition

If you want to appeal to an audience looking for debt relief assistance, it’s important that you have a unique marketing message. What does your law firm do that others don’t? Why should people choose you over the firm down the street?

If you’re having trouble with this, write down the major benefits you provide to your clients. They might include 24/7 accessibility, flat fees or affordable rates, virtual consultations and meetings, or a fast resolution to bankruptcy matters.

It’s important to remember that bankruptcy is an emotional process for many people. In addition to those services that set you apart, think about how you can connect with clients on an emotional level. As your clients deal with the fear of losing assets or are facing harassment from creditors, tell them how you plan to help them move forward.

  1. Provide a Valuable User Experience

Your website serves as the centerpiece of your law firm’s digital marketing efforts. So, it’s worth taking the time to get it right.

Google has indicated that user experience is one of its top priorities, which means that you should as well. Fortunately, many bankruptcy law firms aren’t putting enough focus on these areas. So this presents you with a golden opportunity to make improvements and get tangible results.

Here are five main areas to target:

  • Page Load Speed – Nobody loves a slow website. If your law firm’s website is sluggish, it’s going to be a major turnoff for potential clients as well as Google. You can check your page load speed using Google’s Page Speed Insights tool. If it doesn’t load in a couple of seconds, it’s guaranteed that you’re losing prospects. Your website should be optimized to load as quickly as possible.
  • Mobile Usability – People now perform more searches on mobile devices than desktop devices. So there’s a good chance that potential clients are searching for a local bankruptcy attorney on their smartphones. Your law firm’s website should be mobile-friendly, with an uncluttered and clean look on any device. Not sure how it displays? Use the Google Mobile-Friendly Test tool to check it out.
  • Gated Content – Leads pass through a sales funnel where clients become aware of the possibility of getting bankruptcy relief, investigate their options, and make a decision. Your firm can capture leads at different stages in this process by offering gated content on your website in exchange for contact information.
  • Live Chat – Most law firm websites now have a live chat feature. No matter how you feel about this, potential clients seem to like it. What this feature does is provide 24/7 access to your law firm for a client who is looking for answers about your legal services. If you don’t have this feature yet, it’s a simple integration and one we recommend.
  1. Become a Credible Resource for Bankruptcy Info

Bankruptcy is a complex area of the law. And it is beyond confusing for most people who just want debt collectors to stop harassing them. Since people who are investigating bankruptcy are often looking for guidance, you can be the one to give them the education they want.

The content you produce and post on your law firm’s website can serve several purposes. It can establish you as a credible resource for bankruptcy information. It can also help boost your organic search engine rankings. Here are some ways you can do this:

  • Blog Posts – Write and post frequent content on bankruptcy-related topics.
  • Video Content– Post video content about your firm and its services.
  • Infographics– Create easily digestible content in graphical format.
  • Resource Pages– Provide a series of links to external downloads and resources.
  • FAQ Pages– Answer frequently asked questions about different types of bankruptcy.
  • Webinars and Podcasts– Host webinars or podcasts on different topics related to bankruptcy.
  1. Make SEO and Local Search a Priority

93% of online experiences start with a search engine, and 96% of people looking for legal advice turn to a search engine. If your law firm hasn’t made search engine optimization (SEO) a priority, it’s time to start. How else will potential clients be able to find you when they enter those search terms in Google?

SEO isn’t easy, so it’s a good idea to partner with an experienced legal SEO professional. That said, your firm will need to create quality content that is optimized for the right keywords. Beyond this, your firm will also need to pay attention to on-page and off-page SEO, which includes things like adding images, including keywords in headers, and building links from high-quality websites.

Because bankruptcy law is primarily a locally-based business, your law firm also needs to pay attention to local search. This involves claiming and optimizing your Google My Business profile, signing up for the right law firm directories, and encouraging online client feedback.

  1. Generate Leads With Paid Search

If your bankruptcy law firm wants to get immediate results while it works on the other items on this list, it can run optimized paid search campaigns. Google Ads are based on a pay-per-click (PPC) formula and can drive instant qualified traffic to your website.

When you use paid ads, it’s vital that you have a robust strategy designed to produce positive results. Specifically, you can achieve a better ROI and avoid costly mistakes by:

  • Focusing on targeted, niche keywords
  • Geo-targeting your ads to reach a local audience
  • Using dynamic keywords extensions to match your client’s search intent
  • Regularly tracking and reviewing campaign performance
  • Hiring an experienced paid search professional to manage your campaigns

Digital Marketing Solutions for Bankruptcy Law Firms

Law firm marketing is incredibly competitive. The ABA reports that there are over 1.3 million actively licensed attorneys in the United States. If your bankruptcy law firm wants to set itself apart from the competition, it needs a robust strategy to do so. At Too Darn Loud Legal  Marketing, our solutions can help your law firm generate more leads and improve its overall results. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.