Google Local Service Ads (LSAs) and Law Firms

Are You Using Paid Ads? If So, You Need Google Local Service Ads

What if your law firm’s information could show up at the top of every Google search results page, even above the Google My Business three-pack and the pay-per-click ads? You’d probably receive a substantial increase in traffic to your website, calls to your business, and number of new leads.

This has become possible in many markets with Google’s Local Service Ads (LSAs). For over a year, Google has been testing LSAs in various places across the country. This is a significant development for law firms that rely on local search, but there is plenty that you need to know about LSAs before you decide to put them in your marketing budget.

What Are Local Service Ads?

Being able to find businesses “near me” has revolutionized search over the past several years. Consumers love that they no longer need to enter their address, zip code, or city when searching for local businesses. Google just “knows.”

Going beyond giving consumers a map with business listings, the search engine now offers what is called Local Service Ads. This is the most prestigious real estate on a search engine page. Why? The LSAs appear at the very top of the search results. And instead of clicking through to a business’ website, the consumer can instantly call or message the business instead.

Local Service Ads are only available for certain industries. Some examples are plumbers, locksmiths, electricians, and painters. They are now available for some professional services such as financial planners, realtors, and yes – law firms.

Lawyers in just about any practice area can now purchase LSAs that target specific zip codes and communities. LSAs were once only available in a small number of U.S. markets, but these continue to expand as the program enjoys more success and helps consumers get the assistance they need.

How You Pay for Local Service Ads

If you’re accustomed to pay-per-click ads, these are different. LSAs are pay-per-lead ads, and you only pay for what Google calls “valid leads” for your business. Google will charge you for the ad if certain actions take place after it gets shown to a consumer:

  • You get a text message from a potential client.
  • You receive a call and speak with a potential client.
  • You receive a voicemail from a potential client.
  • You miss a call from a potential client but contact them back later via phone, text, or email.

If you are charged for an ad that you don’t believe was a valid lead, you can dispute the charge with Google.

What is the Benefit of Using LSAs for Law Firms?

The fact that Google keeps expanding access to LSAs is telling. Not only are these ads providing a better user experience but they are also giving businesses the results they want. If you’re on the fence, here are some of the benefits that your law firm can experience by adding LSAs to its digital marketing strategy:

  1. Better Conversions

If you’re pouring all of your marketing budget into PPC ads, you might be dismayed at your results. PPC ads are costly, and they sometimes don’t convert well. But you’ll get much more bang for your buck with LSAs, which promise to connect the right service provider with a searcher.

  1. Build More Trust

Searchers will notice the badge that appears next to your ad that says you’ve been “screened.” This not only catches the eye on a busy SERP page, but it also looks like an endorsement from the world’s biggest search engine. If Google has checked you out, it’s probably worth a closer look.

  1. Expand Your Reach

LSAs give you another way to reach consumers that are looking for your legal services. They aren’t meant to replace organic listings or even your traditional search ads. Consumers search in different ways and have varying preferences, so having your business positioned in multiple places is a benefit. LSAs also help you reach people who are using voice search, which is a growing type of search query for local businesses.

  1. Highlight Positive Feedback

Every LSA includes a link to the law firm’s ratings and reviews. This is one more way that you can highlight the positive feedback you’ve received from prior clients and use it to continue building your business.

What Will Your Firm’s Local Service Ad Look Like?

As a law firm, the number one question on your mind might be, “How do LSAs actually show up in search results?”

LSA ads appear at the very top of the search results. The ad will have your law firm’s name with its Google star rating and a link to its reviews underneath. Next, there will be a green checkmark, and the words “Google Screened,” followed by your years in practice, phone number, and office hours. In some cases, Google is even including your headshot with an LSA, which can increase the potential for clicks.

When you set up your ad, you don’t have to deal with those bothersome keywords. Instead, you choose from a list of categories within the legal industry. These might include things like:

  • Bankruptcy
  • Criminal Defense
  • DUI
  • Estate Planning
  • Family Law
  • Personal Injury Law

When a person’s local search matches the criteria you’ve selected for the services you offer, your ad will be eligible to show. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean your ad will appear or be first. Google still ranks ads using its own set of criteria.

How Google Ranks Law Firms in Local Service Ads

Similar to Google Ads and even organic search, your LSAs must meet certain criteria to rank in a decent position.

Your ranking is determined by several factors:

  • Your firm’s proximity to the searcher
  • The services you offer matching the searcher’s need
  • How many positive reviews you have
  • Being a “verified” business by Google
  • Your business hours

Google even tracks how responsive you are to customer inquiries. If searchers click on your ad to send you a message or call your law firm, and they don’t get a response, your LSA rankings are likely to suffer.

Even if you decline a lead or fail to generate positive reviews, Google will notice, and there’s a chance that your rankings will drop. But the opposite is also true. When your business is responsive to client inquiries and generates positive feedback, this can improve your rankings.

How to Get Started with Local Service Ads

If you want to use Google’s LSAs, you’ll need to jump through a few hoops to make them work the best for you. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Make Sure You Qualify

Provided you’re a law firm with a local office in a participating market, you should qualify for LSAs. The program covers most practice areas. Google does require that you have a Google My Business profile with at least one review and a minimum average rating of three stars.

  1. Get Google Screened

Before your ads can go live, Google needs to vet your business. This is where you can set yourself apart from other firms that won’t take the time to go through this process. It involves:

  • Confirming you’re licensed to practice law
  • Providing proof of legal malpractice insurance
  • Undergoing a basic background check
  1. Set Up an Inbound Call Structure

Since Google uses your response time to determine your LSA rankings and decided whether to charge you for a lead, this last step is vital. Make sure you have a process in place to take calls, respond to messages, and qualify leads.

Should LSAs Replace Your Legal PPC Advertising or Other Strategies?

Many law firms would rather pay per lead than per click. You can stop stressing over Google’s confusing bidding system, and the flat fee per lead seems like a more effective model. But, that doesn’t necessarily mean you should completely abandon one program for the other.

Local service ads are a powerful digital marketing tool for law firms, but also a new one. In general, you’ll want LSAs to complement rather than replace other marketing channels like PPC, social media, SEO for organic search, and quality content.

Today’s legal consumers are savvy and likely to use a variety of tactics to find the best law firm to meet their needs. So, even if you rank well with LSA’s, a prospect is still likely to read your reviews, check out your social media profiles, and visit your website before making a choice.

If a prospect sees that your firm shows up in several places instead of just one, this will boost brand awareness and increase the chances that you’ll get the call instead of one of your competitors.

Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing Group Helps Law Firms With Results-Driven Solutions

Local Service Ads are still somewhat new, and now is your firm’s best opportunity to take advantage of this digital marketing strategy. As more law firms sign up for LSAs, the expectation is that competition and prices will begin to rise.

Staying on top of changes to Google’s algorithm and ad network rules can be a full-time job. As a busy law firm, you shouldn’t have to shoulder this burden while you work to solve your client’s legal issues.

Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing specializes in creating strategic digital marketing solutions that produce results for law firms. These include website design, SEO strategy, content and video engagement, and paid ad strategies. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

Should You Use Dedicated Landing Pages for Paid Advertising Campaigns?

If your law firm is paying for website traffic, you should give yourself every advantage possible when someone clicks on an ad. People searching for legal services or entering specific keywords in a search engine have particular and time sensitive needs. If you send every searcher to your law firm’s home page, you are probably missing the intent of your visitor, and your conversions will suffer.

Your law firm’s homepage is a hub. It’s the front door for your brand and the rest of your website. But it may not answer a pressing question or convert a visitor into a client. This is why you need to use a dedicated landing page when you use paid ads.

What Are Legal Marketing Landing Pages?

A landing page is a separate page on your law firm’s website that has a single purpose – to get visitors to take some action. Regardless of whether the visitor “lands” on the page from a paid ad, a social media campaign, or an organic search, your landing page is specific to a search query and an entryway way for potential clients to get the answers they need and do something.

When we say “do something,” we’re referring to a conversion. A conversion can be just about anything, but for a law firm, this usually involves a contact via phone or email.

How Landing Pages Will Improve Your Paid Ad Campaigns

Instead of being sent to a generic page on your law firm’s website, landing pages deliver pertinent details about a specific area of your practice and target qualified leads. If you really want to get the most out of your paid ad campaigns, you need to deliver highly targeted information once the searcher clicks on the ad. If you’re unsure about whether to use a landing page or simply direct visitors to your website’s home page, here are some of the benefits of using dedicated landing pages.

  1. Motivate Action

When a customer ends up on your dedicated landing page, that means they were intrigued enough by your paid ad to click on it. The page you present to them should give them as much detail as possible to address their search query.

In other words, if they were looking for a “truck accident lawyer in Mobile,” make sure you address how your law firm serves truck accident victims in that particular area. Unlike blogs, landing pages are direct conversion tools. In addition to providing information, you want to give the reader multiple opportunities to take action. Picking up the phone and calling you is one example.

  1. Reinforce Your Firm’s Brand

Landing pages are completely customizable, meaning you can design the page any way you wish. But, if you’d like to get the most out of your campaign, you should make sure that it also reinforces your brand’s image. If you think about it, anything you post should have a similar tone. If your firm’s website content is supportive and compassionate in tone and then you create an “aggressive” landing page, it doesn’t match the rest of your marketing efforts.

  1. Stand Out from Competitors

Not every law firm is creating customized landing pages, and this is to your advantage. Potential clients are likely overloaded with legal ads. So, the law firm that stands out will likely get their attention. You can also experiment by adding a video message to your landing page to make an even stronger impression.

  1. Fewer Distractions

A law firm’s home page can contain a lot of information, some of which may or may not be relevant to a prospect’s current issue. On the other hand, a dedicated landing page won’t have any of these distractions. It’s to the point, and either directs a prospect to additional information or asks them to take a specific action, such as calling for an initial consultation.

  1. Simple Optimization

One of the great things about dedicated landing pages is that they are easy to optimize, which also means you can test them to get the best version. Specifically, you can create several versions of a landing page and run A/B testing to make sure you are sending prospects to a page that is going to get the best results and ROI for your ad dollars.

  1. Easy Tracking & Monitoring

Another benefit of dedicated landing pages is that they help you learn more about your visitors. With tracking, you can find out where visitors are coming from, what search terms they are using to find your law firm, how long they stay on your website, and at what rate they convert. You can also use this data for re-targeting ad campaigns.

Best Practices for Law Firm Marketing PPC Landing Pages

The good news is that creating a dedicated landing page for your law firm isn’t difficult. But you should take advantage of some of these best practices to ensure you get the best possible results:

  • Keep it simple. Focus your content on solving the customer’s problem or answering their question.
  • Match content to ad copy. If you are using Google ads, your content should match your ad copy because Google looks at this when assigning a quality score.
  • Speak to your audience. Don’t forget to consider who is visiting your page so that you can match your message to their concerns.
  • Add clear calls to action. Tell your readers what to do next, such as give you a call or contact your office online.
  • Be credible. Let the reader know that you know what you’re talking about. Mention your years of experience or any other accreditations.
  • Optimize your page. Optimize your page for the search engines and conduct A/B testing.
  • Include tracking code. Insert tracking code so you can track conversions and continue to make improvements.

Get Help With Digital Marketing Campaigns and Dedicated Landing Pages

Landing pages should be a vital part of your law firm’s digital marketing strategy. But they need to be well-optimized, simple to read, and designed with conversions in mind. At Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing, we specialize in helping law firms get the most out of their online presence by setting up paid and organic campaigns that produce results. Contact us today for a free consultation and more information about our legal marketing services. We can be reached at (800) 649-1764.

7 Tips for Creating Paid Ads for Your Law Firm

When it comes to legal marketing, law firms need to utilize all the available digital marketing strategies to stand out amongst competitors. Naturally, some will get more priority than others. But, one of the best ways for an attorney to quickly get their name in front of searchers is to use paid ads or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Since most people are searching for legal answers on Google, it makes sense to focus on Google Ads. But your firm may wish to explore things like Bing ads or paid social media ads at some point. That said, here is what you need to know about using paid ads for law firms and the top tips for getting the most out of this legal marketing strategy.

Why Paid Ads Are Challenging for Lawyers

If your law firm has ever dabbled in PPC ads, one of the first things you probably noticed is that they can be expensive! In fact, the search terms “lawyer” and “attorney” are two of the most expensive keywords for law firms to bid on. When you’re averaging $100 or more per click, it can be challenging to get a positive return on your investment. There are two reasons why this is so tough:

  1. The Competition is Fierce

There is only so much space for paid ads at the top of page one. When a lot of law firms are bidding on the same keywords, this is going to drive up the price per click of those search terms.

  1. Capturing Qualified Leads is Challenging

If the ads aren’t targeted correctly, they may not be pulling in qualified leads. This can significantly eat into your ROI.

7 Tips for Creating Successful Paid Ads for Your Law Firm

Now that you understand some of the challenges with paid ads, here are seven marketing tips to help your law firm get the most return out of its paid strategy. Hint: Whether you choose to use Google Ads or some other paid platform, these tips will help optimize your results on any paid platform.

  1. Research the Competition and Differentiate Yourself

Remember, we just pointed out how fierce the competition is with some paid ad search terms. Because of this, you need to find a way to make yourself stand out. Start by researching your competition. Find out what firms, in your practice area, are already using paid ads. Armed with this information, highlight what makes your firm a better choice, whether it is your experience, track record, commitment to customer service, or something else.

  1. Make Sure You Are Using Geotargeting for Ads

If your law firm is located in Dallas, Texas, and serves clients throughout the Metroplex, you’ll want to avoid displaying ads to people located in Europe or even a few states away. When it comes to targeting the right audience and keeping your costs in check, geography is vital with a paid ad strategy. Figure out the proper geographic radius that makes sense for your advertising. In Google Ads, navigate to “Locations” and choose regions, cities, postal codes, or a radius for the best geotargeting. When using Facebook advertising, you can select a focus point and then cover a radius around that focus point in order to target your ads.

  1. Ensure Your Ads Speak to the Searcher’s Intent

Plenty of people search for answers to legal questions on Google. But not all of them are ready to hire a lawyer. If you’re going to pay for ads, you will ideally want to target an audience that is far enough into their journey that they are thinking about taking some action. For example, a person who enters “hire a DUI lawyer” is likely much more ready to retain an attorney than a person entering the term “what is a living trust?” That said, your ads should always speak to a searcher’s intent. Structure the title, text, and landing pages for your ads so that they match what the searcher is looking for.

  1. Set Up Call-Only Ads

Having your paid ads set up so that a potential client calls instead of clicks through to your website is preferable. More mobile searches are taking place on Google than ever, and potential clients who are further down in the sales funnel are more likely ready to speak to a lawyer on the phone. Google allows you to set up call-only campaigns, where a searcher can push a button on their mobile device to place a call to a live person. Your website address is still visible, so the searcher still has the option to visit your site if they want to continue their research.

  1. Optimize Your Law Firm’s Website

Your paid ads can be incredibly effective at bringing traffic to your law firm’s website. But if your site doesn’t provide the answers a prospect is looking for, you’ve wasted money on that click and won’t convert your visitor. So make sure you optimize your website or landing page:

  • Have an immediate answer to the inquiry with clear and engaging copy.
  • Use the same or similar keywords from your paid ad in your content.
  • Include consistent branding throughout your content.
  • Have a clear call to action to get a prospect to the next step.
  • Consider using an online chat system for greater accessibility.
  1. Build a Strong Brand With Display Ads

Branding is something that many law firms overlook. But it can be a valuable part of your digital marketing strategy if you use the Google display network to do it. The Google display network is much more affordable than search engine paid ads, but only about 5% of legal spend is allocated to it. When your graphics show up on other websites, potential clients will begin to recognize your name and turn to you or recommend you to others when a need arises.

  1. Track Every Action and Make Adjustments

Even when you follow all of these tips, paid advertising will continue to be challenging. As with everything else in digital marketing, it’s vital that you track every action so that you can analyze it and improve your results. Running A/B tests is also a valuable way to optimize your ads and try new strategies. Running two ad programs (Program A and Program B), each unique, allows you to compare the results of each to determine which campaign is more effective.

Paid Ads Are Not a DIY Thing

As you can see, paid ads are highly competitive, and there’s little room for error in this space. If you try a “set it and forget it” approach to PPC, your experience is likely to be costly and ineffective. This is where a legal marketing professional can be invaluable.

At Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing, our paid ad specialists can add tremendous value to your law firm’s online marketing strategy. If you’re ready to see results from both your organic and paid campaigns, contact us today to schedule a free consultation. We can be reached at (800) 649-1764.

SEO vs Paid Advertising for Law Firms

The internet has proven to be an invaluable source of ongoing leads for law firms. That said, online marketing for law firms spans a wide range of strategies and channels. It can be challenging to figure out where to focus your limited attention and resources.

Two of the largest strategies include SEO and paid advertising. Both will get your law firm’s website and name in front of potential clients who are searching for legal assistance on Google. But these are two different types of search marketing strategies for attorneys, so you will want to evaluate which one makes the most sense for your law firm.

The Basics of SEO and Paid Ads

  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process in which a business makes changes to, or “optimizes,” its website to achieve better organic (free) placement on search engine pages and deliver a better user experience. Search engines, namely Google, index websites regularly and use complex algorithms to rank those sites. There are hundreds of factors used to rank a website, and SEO aims to achieve the highest long-term rankings possible.
  • Paid advertising for law firms generally refers to pay-per-click (PPC) ads. Businesses pay an advertiser, also usually Google, for each click on its ads. The fees charged are based on a variety of factors, such as the value of the keyword and the quality of the ad and target website.

The Benefits of SEO for Law Firms

For consumers, finding anything today often involves a computer or mobile device and a visit to a search engine. Even people who have received a personal recommendation will follow it up with a quick Google search to confirm that the recommendation is legitimate before picking up the phone or making an email contact.

This is why every business needs an SEO strategy – especially law firms. But, if you’re still unsure about committing to SEO, here are just a few of the specific things that this strategy can do for your legal practice:

SEO Establishes Authority and Credibility

Clients looking for help with a legal issue are seeking a law firm with the knowledge and experience necessary to resolve their concerns. Done right, SEO can establish your firm as a leading authority in its practice area. On the other hand, people instinctively know that you are targeting them through paid ads and don’t trust their intentions as much. In general, people find organic search results more credible.

SEO Evens the Playing Field With Competitors

When you use paid ads, the effectiveness of your efforts often hinges on your budget. The more money you’re willing to spend on an ad, the greater the chance of getting top results. Bigger firms can often outspend smaller ones and attract more clients. But SEO makes it a fair fight for organic search results. Small, medium, and large firms alike will compete based on the quality of their website and other SEO efforts.

SEO Generates Quality, Consistent Organic Traffic

When you stop paying for PPC ads, the traffic stops coming in immediately. But quality content that targets the right keywords on your website will continue to rank well in organic search results and generate a consistent flow of free qualified traffic to your site. You can even repurpose older content on your website and boost your traffic by up to 106%.

SEO Increases Confidence and Conversion Rates

Organic searches produce higher dwell times and click-through rates (CTRs), boosting potential conversions. When you post informational content on your website that potential clients are searching for, it engages these visitors and creates awareness for your brand. Whether those clients need legal services today or in the future, they will identify your firm as a trusted resource.

SEO Costs Less and Offers Higher ROI

Research reveals that as many as 80% of users ignore paid ads and only focus on organic search results. With the majority of your website’s traffic coming from free, organic search, the value of SEO is obvious. This is a long-term marketing strategy that will offer the highest ROI to your law firm.

Are PPC Ads Still a Good Idea?

When evaluating between an SEO and a paid ads strategy, there may not always be a simple black and white answer. If your firm needs quick results and is willing to pay for the ads, you may wish to devote some of your digital marketing budget to PPC ads.

But it’s important to understand that legal services are one of the most competitive and costly industries for paid search. If you invest in this channel, it takes continuous analysis and careful planning to ensure you aren’t overspending your ad dollars.

Legal SEO for Long-Term Success

If you’re torn between SEO and paid advertising, SEO is generally the best strategy for attracting new clients to your firm at the most affordable price. While it might take longer for your law firm’s website to appear on the first page of Google, the benefits to your business will be substantial and long-lasting.

It’s equally important that law firms have a traditional SEO strategy as well as a strategy for local SEO. These are similar, but local SEO will help your law firm appear in multiple places in the organic search results. When a person searches for a “divorce lawyer near me” or a “car accident attorney in Mobile,” your local SEO efforts can help your law firm appear in Google’s map listings.

Law firm SEO can be complex, and your ongoing strategy should include a thorough competitive analysis, website optimization, content strategy, link building, and reporting. There aren’t quick results as with paid ads, but the efforts will help your firm achieve long-term success.

Still Have Questions About SEO vs. Paid Advertising for Law Firms? Contact Us Today

 Whether you use paid advertising, SEO, or some combination of the two, optimizing your law firm’s website should be a vital part of your digital marketing strategy. This allows you to improve the user experience and set your firm up for long-term success.

Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing specializes in creating results-driven digital marketing solutions for law firms. We are a client-focused firm with a strong track record of success. Contact us today to learn more about our services at (800) 649-1764 or through our online contact form.

Facebook vs. Google Ads – Where Should Law Firms Invest?

Does your law firm want to reach its target audience the fastest way possible? And do you want to do it in a way that is affordable and gives you access to data about where your ad dollars are being spent?

PPC (pay per click) advertising is the ideal solution that checks all of those boxes. You can be up and running in just a few hours, you only pay for the results you get (clicks on your ads), and you get detailed insights about your efforts. 

But, as with most things online today, you have choices. Facebook and Google ads are the main players in the PPC space. So, where should your law firm invest to get the best results? Here is what you need to know about these platforms, including the pros and cons of each. 

How Facebook Ads Work for Law Firms

With 2.91 billion monthly active users, Facebook is the largest social media platform on the planet. Ads on Facebook display either in the column to the right of the newsfeed or directly in the newsfeed, labeled as an advertisement. If your law firm is thinking about using Facebook ads, here are some of the pros and cons of this option. 

Pros of Facebook Ads for Law Firms

Powerful Targeting and Remarketing

Because the platform collects so much data about its users, Facebook offers advertisers some of the most powerful ad targeting capabilities available. This means that an estate planning attorney in Birmingham can target clients within a 50-mile radius who are married. Or a mass tort lawyer might target people who have joined certain Facebook groups related to product issues. 

Facebook also provides advertisers with a pixel to install on their websites for retargeting. After a prospect visits your site, they will begin seeing your ads on their Facebook timeline to keep your firm top of mind. You can run ads that focus on things like past settlements and client testimonials to demonstrate why your firm is a good choice. 

Fast Results

Advertising through traditional channels, like billboards and print media, takes time. But Facebook ads can be up and running in just a few minutes. If you’re looking for a quick way to get exposure for your law firm and generate traffic, these ads are an option. 

Good Cost-Per-Click

It’s common knowledge that Google Ads for law firms can be costly because they are so competitive. Comparatively, Facebook ads are much more affordable. 

Flexible Options

Another benefit of using Facebook advertising is its flexibility. You have a ton of options in the way you present your ads to your target audience. You can select images, text, and even video ads to highlight your law firm. 

Cons of Facebook Ads for Law Firms

Limited to Facebook Users

It’s important to understand that Facebook ads will be limited to users of this social network. If your target audience isn’t on Facebook, your ad dollars would be more wisely spent elsewhere. 

Ad Fatigue is Real

Most people aren’t on Facebook to find products or services. Rather, they are there to interact with friends and family, and the platform’s algorithm largely favors those posts. Understanding this, a portion of your audience will either entirely ignore your ads or tire of seeing them after a few days or weeks. 

Possible Low Conversion Rates

Conversion rates can be lower than with Google Ads because these ads are shown to an audience you define. In contrast, Google Ads are shown to people who are specifically looking for your services. 

Can Be Complex

While Facebook ads offer many advanced features, setting them up and interpreting the results can be challenging. 

How Google Ads Work for Law Firms

Google Ads can display in two places – at the top of the Google search results page and across the Google display network. Since Google is the most widely-used search engine, these ads are a powerful marketing tool. Here are some of the pros and cons of using them for your law firm. 

Pros of Google Ads for Law Firms

Targeted Marketing

When you advertise with Google, you are only showing ads to people who have demonstrated a desire to hire a lawyer or who are looking for legal information. You select specific keyword phrases to target, like “divorce lawyer Biloxi” or “car crash attorney Memphis” as well as some demographic data. And you only pay for the ad when a lead clicks through to your website. 

Fast Results

Like Facebook ads, you can set up a Google Ads campaign and begin seeing results in a matter of a few minutes or hours. That said, you will get much better results if you take the time to research keywords, target your audience, and design a winning ad. 

Easy to Measure

Google is known for supplying plenty of useful data to its clients. When you set up a PPC campaign, you can instantly track its performance and make quick adjustments to improve your ROI. 

Cons of Facebook Ads for Law Firms

Can Be Costly

Legal ads on Google are considered competitive and costly. If you’re not careful, your advertising spend can quickly get out of control. Fortunately, the platform allows you to set a maximum budget for your campaigns so that you don’t overspend.

Requires Optimization

Google Ads are not set-and-forget campaigns. They require consistent monitoring and tweaking to achieve the best possible results. You’ll want to continue to explore new ad types and keyword phrases so that you can reach your target audience effectively and affordably.

Get Help With Your Law Firm Advertising

While both strategies are effective for law firm marketing, each has its strengths and weaknesses. When used as part of a comprehensive digital marketing strategy, you are likely to get the best results from both solutions.

If you want to invest in online ads for your law firm but don’t know where to start, we can help. Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing will work with you to create high return campaigns that generate quality leads. We are an agency that works with law firms nationwide to deliver results-based digital marketing solutions. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to learn more.