Law Firm Mobile Marketing Strategy — Reaching Clients on the Go

In this digital age, where tablets and smartphones have become commonplace, the importance of marketing your law firm for mobile can’t be overstated. Your law firm’s digital marketing strategy should be focused on connecting with the clients who most need and want the services you provide. It turns out that many of those potential clients are searching for your services using mobile devices, so developing law firm mobile marketing strategy is of paramount importance.  

The Rise of Mobile Device Use

Mobile has become more important when it comes to brands connecting with potential customers. This is because we now live in a society where most consumers are attached to their phones around the clock. 

According to Pew Research Center, 97% of U.S. adults now own a smartphone, which allows them to connect to the internet on the go. If they’re trying to find a law firm, your legal strategy should be designed in a way that helps them find you over the competition. 

What is Mobile-First Marketing for Law Firms?

Mobile-first marketing assumes that more of your potential clients are using mobile devices for search than conventional devices like laptops. According to Statista, global mobile users reached 7.1 billion in 2021, a figure that is expected to reach nearly 7.5 billion over the next year. 

Google reports that more than 50% of web traffic comes from mobile. Since this figure is roughly eight years old, you can be sure the percentage of web traffic far outpaces other types of traffic today. 

A mobile-first marketing strategy allows your law firm to target mobile users. This strategy has several benefits. First, your website will be more accessible to people using mobile devices and trying to solve their legal issues on the go. Second, you can provide a better user experience by offering engaging, concise, and easy-to-navigate content on any type of device. 

Ways Your Law Firm Can Reach Clients on the Go

If you want to create a mobile-first marketing strategy for your law firm, it will require focusing on several different areas to achieve success. Here are some ways you can ensure your potential clients using mobile devices can find your firm and will have a positive experience once they do.

Use a Responsive Design

When designing your law firm’s website, make sure it is responsive. This means that it will automatically custom-fit onto the device the visitor uses to access it. A site designed for mobile-first will have a crisp, clear layout and design, providing visitors with everything they need to know about your firm without any unnecessary fluff that can make the site cumbersome to read or navigate. 

Streamline Your Site’s Content

Your law firm’s content should be formatted so that it reads well on a mobile device. Long paragraphs don’t work with mobile. Instead, you want to use plenty of headers to break up your content and don’t be afraid to shorten your paragraphs, even when the breakpoints don’t seem natural. Another way you can break up the content is to use plenty of images or infographics to get your point across. 

Include Video Content

Many of today’s web surfers prefer to watch video content, so make sure you include this as part of your legal marketing strategy. Video works well on mobile devices and can also be shared on social media sites. Studies show that a majority of Facebook users watch videos without sound, so consider using tools that offer closed captioning to enhance the experience. 

Make User Onboarding Simple

When a mobile visitor wants to contact you or sign up with your firm, you should make it as simple as possible. Specifically, mobile websites should streamline the onboarding process by eliminating any unnecessary steps. 

Your contact page should be easy to fill out with large touch areas that can avoid the frustration of navigating drop-down boxes or toggling between number and letter key screens. It’s also helpful to include a tap-to-call link for people who would rather just speak to someone instead of filling out a form. 

Improve Your Site Speed

Mobile users aren’t willing to wait too long for your website to load. If your law firm’s website is sluggish and doesn’t show up on their screen in the first few seconds, they will swipe to get back to their search engine to try their luck with a competitor. 

When you work with a website designer, make sure you focus on speed for the sake of your mobile visitors. This often means getting rid of massive image files, content that runs on multiple pages, and intrusive pop-ups. 

Leverage Social Media Marketing

Many people now turn to social media to search for law firms and lawyers. This means you should have a strong and engaging social media presence. As you work on building your profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other sites, remember that many people will be accessing them using smartphones. This will also make it easier for you to manage your profiles and engage with your audience using a mobile device. 

Optimize for Voice Search

The increased use of mobile devices has also given rise to a different type of search — voice search. Instead of typing an inquiry into a search bar, people now speak into their phones or other smart devices. 

This requires that you optimize your website and content for a different type of search. For example, voice search is usually longer and more conversational. A person might say, “Siri, find me a good personal injury lawyer near me,” or “what does a divorce lawyer cost in Alabama?”

Consider Running Mobile Ads

Many paid ads, such as those on Google and Bing, allow you to specifically target mobile users. You can even create a separate landing page dedicated to your ad campaign that is designed for mobile. Social media ads can also be targeted to users within a specific geographic area, which is useful for attorneys who want to target their message to a specific audience. 

Get Help With Your Firm’s Mobile Marketing Strategy

Because so many consumers use mobile devices to find and connect with brands, having a mobile marketing strategy is vital for your law firm’s success. At Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing, we specialize in helping our clients with our results-driving legal marketing solutions. To learn more about how we can help your law firm get found and chosen by its target audience, contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and website evaluation. 

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