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The Role of Video Marketing for Law Firms

With the rising popularity of platforms like TikTok and Instagram, audiences are consuming more and more of their content visually. Sure, you’ll still get plenty of potential clients who want to read your blog content and learn more about your service through your practice area pages. But video continues to gain more ground.

Incredibly, the average person spends about 17 hours per week consuming video content. This presents law firms with new challenges and fresh opportunities for legal marketing. Here are some of the latest trends in video marketing and several different types of legal marketing videos your firms can use.

Recent Trends in Video Marketing

If you’re not including video as part of your legal marketing strategy, you’re basically giving up market share to competitors who have integrated it into their firm’s marketing plan. In today’s digital age, video is much more than just another marketing channel. It’s something that consumers value as a means to connect with brands and get important information online. Here are some notable trends in video marketing.

Consumers Prefer Video

Consumers are increasingly watching video content as they discover and research brands. Videos allow consumers to get a better feel for a business and make more informed decisions by viewing video content.

Video is Driving Web Traffic

When it comes to attracting new clients, video content is highly effective. Because it’s dynamic, video is memorable and engaging. In 2023, online video accounted for over 82% of web traffic. According to Google, more than 90% of people say they’ve discovered new products or brands on YouTube.

Video Content Boosts Engagement

Once you get prospective clients to your website, you need some engaging content to keep them there. Video can accomplish this. A majority of professional marketers agree that video will increase the time people will dwell on a website. And viewers admit they retain 95% of the messages they receive via video.

Video Marketing Delivers a High ROI

Both marketers and brands report that video marketing is worth the investment. According to Forrester Research, businesses achieve up to a 300% increase in click-through rates by including video in emails. Video can also increase conversion rates on landing pages by 80% or more.

6 Types of Legal Marketing Videos to Create

According to research by Wyzowl, of the 91% of businesses that use video as a marketing tool, nearly all consider it a vital part of their digital marketing strategy. Compared to traditional forms of content marketing, which might involve written content or static images, video is considered more engaging and dynamic.

As a law firm, you may not know where to start in reaching your target audience with video. Fortunately, there are many options. Here are six types of legal marketing videos your firm can create.

  1. Introduction Videos

Before hiring a law firm, most prospective clients want to get to know as much as possible about your business and the lawyers they might be working with. You can introduce them to your law firm and make vital connections through video content. Through various introduction videos, you can tell the story of how your law firm started, introduce different attorneys, and even provide a tour of the offices.

  1. Explainer Videos

This type of video is a highly effective marketing tool for law firms. It’s used to educate potential clients on various aspects of the law and answer many frequent questions people have before they hire a lawyer. Some examples of things you can make explainer videos about include:

  • What’s the difference between a will and a trust?
  • What happens after a DUI arrest in Mississippi?
  • Can I move with my child while going through a divorce?

These types of videos not only bring people to your website but they also establish your firm as an authority on these topics and build trust with prospective clients.

  1. Client Testimonials

Client testimonial videos should be another type of video content high on your list. Why? When people need to hire an attorney, they overwhelmingly trust recommendations from others just like themselves. In addition to reading online reviews, your prospective clients would love to watch videos with live client testimonials.

This video format can be one of your greatest sales tools. Past clients don’t necessarily need to discuss the specifics of their cases; they can instead speak to your level of client service and vouch for having a positive case outcome.

  1. Webinars & Podcasts

Another way your law firm can establish trust and position itself as an authority in its field is by offering free, long-form educational material. In writing, this might be in the form of white papers or ebooks. You can repurpose that same material into video format through webinars and podcasts. Depending on your comfort level, these can be pre-recorded or live sessions.

  1. Social Media Shorts

One of the biggest trends in video marketing today is the popularity of social media shorts like Instagram and Facebook Reels or TikTok videos. These short videos, usually about one minute or less in length, are great for people with reduced attention spans. Your law firm can use them to answer a single question or discuss a change in the law.

  1. Video Ads

If your law firm is investing in digital ads, you can spice them up by creating video ads. According to one relevant survey, 67.5% of respondents indicated that video content drives more ad clicks on social media than images or text.

Even if only a portion of your audience clicks on your ads, you can build a lot of brand awareness with this strategy. Specifically, when people see your law firm’s name repeatedly, they’ll remember it for future reference.

Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing Specializes in Video Marketing for Law Firms

If you want to create the most effective legal marketing strategy, it should include video marketing. Fortunately, you don’t need to figure this out on your own. Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing has extensive experience helping law firms boost their engagement and conversions with video marketing strategies.

Our video marketing specialists can help you create new videos or optimize the ones you already have. Call us today at (800) 649-1764 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to learn more about how we can incorporate video into your overall legal marketing strategy.