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How to Use Google Analytics – Improving Your Website Ranking

Staying focused with the right data can help your law firm get more leads and paying clients. But the key term is the “right data” and not just all the facts and figures available. Google Analytics is an important tool to track and analyze how well your law firm’s website is contributing to its digital marketing goals.

With a strong understanding of how to connect to and use Google Analytics, law firms can ensure their efforts are on the right track for success. Here is how you can use this valuable tool to improve your website’s ranking. 

Why Your Law Firm Should Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an obvious choice for law firms because it’s connected to and owned by the search engine your business wants to master – Google. The online insights software offers many pre-programmed reports. But, you can also customize your experience to get data that is unique to your business. Not sure if you need it? Here are five reasons your law firm should use Google Analytics:

1. It’s Free

One of the best reasons to use Google Analytics is that it’s completely free to get the data you need to make your digital marketing efforts more effective. 

2. Simple to Use

Most people find it somewhat easy to access Google Analytics and begin collecting some basic data. Once you create an account, you can grab a code that goes on your website. 

3. Real-Time Results

Another benefit of Google Analytics is that law firms can see what is happening on their website in real-time. Whether you are tracking the performance of a new blog post or some other website changes, you can see how they are being viewed and accessed instantly. 

4. Audience Insights

Google provides website owners with useful visitor demographic information such as location, type of device, age, and gender. You can also determine who visitors arrived at your site, whether through social media links, your Google Business Profile, organic search, email, or Google Ads. 

5. Competitive Analysis

Google also allows you to spy on the competition, which might be one of the best features of the software when you are trying to improve your SEO. Google Analytics allows you to view your competitor’s website traffic, which you can compare to your own. 

Google Analytics Features for Law Firms

Google Analytics can track a massive amount of your law firm’s website data. So much that it can be overwhelming to the point of no longer being useful. Fortunately, you can customize your Google Analytics dashboard and only choose the KPIs that have the most meaning for your digital marketing strategy. 

If you want to get the most out of Google Analytics, here are some of the top metrics, or KPIs, you may want to add to your dashboard.

1. Total Leads

This KPI tracks the total number of leads going to your websites. Ideally, you’ll want to see an upward trend over time. You can also create different tracking codes to differentiate different types of leads, such as email sign-ups, blog posts, and ebook downloads. 

2. Cost Per Lead

Most law firms have a limited budget for digital marketing. Understandably, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth for various efforts. Google Analytics can help you determine how much you are paying for each type of lead if you differentiate the code between your different channels. 

3. Types of Traffic

If you’ve ever heard the term, “don’t place all your eggs in one basket,” you probably understand that it’s not an ideal practice to rely on a single channel for all of your marketing success. When you track the different types of traffic you receive, you can ensure you’re getting traffic from various mixes, such as social media, organic search, and paid ads. 

4. Conversion Rate

Leads are well and good, but it’s important that visitors to your website take some type of action, like give you a call or fill out your “Contact Us” form. A percentage of those conversions are going to become paying clients. You can also track these conversions using Google Analytics. 

5. Bounce Rate

When a potential client arrives on some page of your law firm’s website and then never visits another page, this is considered a “bounce.” And this usually happens when a visitor isn’t engaged enough to keep looking around. Google Analytics can reveal your website’s overall bounce rate as well as the pages with the highest bounce rates. 

6. Exit Rate

Exit rates are similar to bounce rates, but not quite. These are the pages that visitors most commonly exit your website from. Having this data can be valuable because you may be able to add some additional information, like blog posts links or video content, to keep visitors engaged. 

7. Average Page Views

In the online world, not all website visits are created equal. Some visitors just want an answer to a single question and don’t have the intent to hire an attorney. Others are looking for legal counsel immediately. When you track average page views, you will have a better gauge of how many pages a typical person visits so that you can work on things like navigation and engagement. 

8. Top Pages Visited

Looking at the top pages on your website that people visit can give you an idea about what content is driving traffic as well as what content might need some optimization to boost engagement. 

9. Traffic Growth Rate

One of your marketing goals should be to get a steady increase of visitors coming in month after month. You can track this with your traffic growth rate and break it down by various traffic sources.

10. Visits to About Us and Bio Pages

When a visitor to your site is serious about hiring a lawyer, they are probably going to visit your About Us and Bio pages to learn more before making a decision. Track how many visits you get to these pages and compare it to bounce rates. If the bounce rate is high, you might have some work to do. 

Google Analytics also allows you to set goals, where you can define what you’d like to achieve with your law firm’s website. Finally, if you are using Google Ads, you can also track conversions using Google Analytics. 

How Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing Can Help With Google Analytics

Google Analytics for law firms is a powerful marketing tool, allowing your business to measure and leverage valuable insights. It’s free and easy to use, but not every law firm has the time to dig into this data and find ways to improve its efforts. 

At Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing, we specialize in helping law firms increase their online visibility to gain more clients and boost overall revenue. We welcome the opportunity to tell you about our comprehensive suite of digital marketing solutions for law firms. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.