How to Create a Legal Podcast 

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’re aware of the rising popularity of podcasts. It seems as if podcasts are popping up to cover just about any topic you can think of — including those in the legal sector. 

Podcasts offer law firms an additional channel to connect with potential clients and promote their legal expertise in a unique way. This is an excellent opportunity for your law firm to take advantage of something that has become more popular than ever. 

Why Create a Legal Podcast?

Podcasting is all the rage among creators and listeners. According to Statista, there will be an estimated 100 million people listening to podcasts in 2024, up from 82 million in 2021. The Pew Research Center reports that the percentage of Americans who listen to podcasts has increased significantly over the past decade. Specifically, just 12% of Americans ages 12 and older listened in the past month in 2013 compared to 31% in 2023. 

Podcasts have become a popular way for people to consume content, whether as professionals or everyday consumers. You can listen to a podcast while performing other tasks, like exercising or driving. As a law firm, there are several benefits to creating legal podcasts. 

People are more likely to hire lawyers they like, respect, and trust. Having a podcast is one way for people to get to know you and see you have the legal knowledge that can help them resolve their issues. Podcasts are also another way for your firm to get online exposure, which is essential in such a competitive industry. 

How to Create a Legal Podcast — Some Practical Steps

We tend to think of podcasts as audio content. However, you’ll get the most traction from your podcast if you make them with video. If you record your podcasts as video content, you can upload them more more channels and split them up to share across social media. With that tip in mind, here are some practical steps for creating a legal podcast. 

1. Choose Your Niche

It’s impossible to be everything to everyone, and trying to accomplish this won’t help your legal marketing efforts. Instead, you’ll want to decide on a particular focus for your podcast. If you choose too narrow, you may run out of topics quickly, so it’s important you find something with some depth. Some examples include specific kinds of cases you handle, relevant case law, FAQs from clients, and current events. 

2. Create a Content Calendar

Once you choose your niche, you can start on your content strategy. One way to attract and keep an audience is to post consistent and engaging content. You can accomplish this by creating a content calendar that will keep you on track. Make a list of topics you’d like to cover with your podcasts and prioritize them so you know what material you’ll be covering over the next weeks and months. 

3. Define Your Podcast Format

There are many podcast format options you can choose from. If you’re going to run your show solo, this will narrow your options slightly, but this type of show can also highlight your personality and legal expertise. Some examples of podcast formats you can use include having two lawyers regularly discuss topics, interviewing guests, or simply reading questions from viewers and providing the answers. 

4. Get the Technology Right

As with anything you do online, quality is essential. If you try to create content on the cheap, your audience will notice and judge your brand accordingly. That doesn’t mean, however, that podcasting has to be expensive. You’ll either want to invest in a quality microphone and some decent editing software or partner with a digital marketing expert who can help you. 

5. Don’t Forget Your Branding

A legal podcast gives your law firm a valuable opportunity to enhance its branding. This is something you want to invest some time in from the beginning. For example, choose a memorable name for your podcast and pay a professional to create podcast cover art. Your digital marketing firm can help you develop and promote your law firm’s brand across various strategies so it remains consistent and effective. 

6. Choose How You Will Publish

Once you’ve created a few legal podcasts, you’ll want to consider how you’re going to publish them. Most firms start with hosting, which means it lives somewhere on the internet, like a website or Soundcloud. You can then link to it on your blogs and social media sites. If you want to pursue syndication, you’ll need to set up accounts on Google Play and Apple, which can host your podcast. 

7. Promote Your Content

It would be ideal if your target audience simply flocked to your website, blog, and podcast. But, it rarely works that way. You need to take an active role in promoting your content as a new podcast gets ready to “drop,” during a live episode, and after publication. For example, make sure you engage with listeners who comment on your podcast and thank anyone who shares the link. They’ll remember this type of engagement, and it will encourage them to do more. 

8. Track Your Results

As you get ready to start legal podcasting, think about what you’d like to achieve with this type of legal marketing strategy. Make sure you choose some metrics and begin tracking your progress. Are you meeting your goals or falling short? This information can tell you where you might need to improve and give you insights about things you can build upon to get more leverage. 

Ready to Get Started With a Legal Podcast?

Not every podcast you produce is going to be a roaring success. This is another long-term digital marketing strategy you can use to connect with potential clients and improve your overall SEO. Like most marketing solutions, legal podcasts are something that can work for your firm over the long haul since people who access them will remember your firm’s name when they need your services. 

If you’re ready to investigate podcasting or any other legal marketing strategy, we can help. Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing specializes in comprehensive digital marketing solutions for law firms. We will help you craft a message and delivery that helps your firm get found and chosen by its target audience. Contact us today to learn more about our services. 

Podcasting – Should Law Firms Add Podcasts to Their Marketing Strategy?

Part of creating a successful digital marketing strategy for your law firm is leveraging a variety of ways of connecting with your target audience. If you haven’t thought about picking up a microphone and creating a legal podcast, it might be time to start.

One More Way To Reach Potential Clients

Podcasts have become incredibly popular in the past several years. In fact, data reveals that listenership is up roughly 175% with more than 2 million shows available for download. More than half (55%) of the U.S. population has listened to a podcast, and many topics aren’t entertainment-related like you might think. Two of the most popular genres are News & Politics and Society & Culture, both of which are areas that intersect with the legal industry.

Reasons Why Law Firms Should Start Their Own Podcasts

Not sure if your law firm should start a podcast? Here are a few reasons why you might want to add this to your digital marketing strategy.

  1. Podcasts Listeners Are Highly Engaged

Many people will skim blog posts and skip through video content. But, few will turn off or fast-forward through a podcast. This is an incredibly engaged audience. About 80% of podcast listeners say they listen to an entire episode. That’s because most spend time researching and subscribing to a podcast, so they are committed when they hit “play.” If you deliver engaging and valuable content, you can almost count on that audience tuning in to your future episodes.

  1. Podcasts Are Humanizing and Personal

When people have a legal issue, they hire a lawyer to help them instead of a law firm. Most clients want a strong connection with the person they trust to advocate for them. Podcasting allows your audience to see (or hear) you as a person in addition to a professional. In audio format, your personality will often shine through better than it does in a blog post. Potential clients will feel as if they are getting to know you and will come to trust you.

  1. Podcasts Build Your Personal Brand

Podcasting is one of the ways you can establish and build your personal brand as an attorney. Every lawyer has one, whether they realize it or not. Are you going to be the aggressive lawyer? The calm voice of reason? The funny lawyer? You can define your voice and begin building your brand through podcasting.

  1. Podcasts Help You Build Authority

Every client wants to hire the most knowledgeable and skilled attorney possible. They make these judgments based on how a lawyer establishes their authority through online channels. One way you can do this is by becoming a thought leader with your ongoing podcasts. This helps your law firm gain a reputation in its market, and that will help attract and retain business.

  1. Podcasting Will Expand Your Network

Most attorneys realize that there is a lot of value in having strong peer relationships. You can use podcasting to interview other authorities in your field. This not only gives fresh insight to your listeners but also expands your network for the promotion of your brand and possible referral business.

  1. Podcasts Can Create Authentic Connections

When you’re relatable and authentic, it’s easier to connect with people, such as your potential clients. The truth is that the legal profession has a reputation as one that is full of dry and ingenuine people. You know that’s not the case, and podcasting gives you a platform to exhibit your human side, whether it’s compassionate, witty, or just plain down to earth.

  1. Podcasts Save Time

One of the reasons that podcasts are so popular is that they save people time in consuming content. But, for the content creator (you), they can also be a time-saver. If you write your own legal content, you might spend 3-4 hours writing and editing a long-form blog post. A podcast can be created in an hour or less, especially if you outsource some of the post-production work.

How to Make Your Podcasting Strategy a Success

Now that you understand the benefits of podcasting for law firms, you might want to try it. Here are a few tips to get you moving in the right direction:

  1. Choose Your Topics

Decide what you want to have a podcast about. Choose narrow enough subjects that you are only answering one or two questions instead of just discussing an entire area of practice. Often, you can choose one of your best-performing blog posts as a starting point.

  1. Plan Your Podcast

Next, decide how you will structure your podcast and sketch out a rough outline. Will you interview another guest? If so, write out your interview questions first. If not, choose some specific questions that you will answer for listeners.

  1. Get the Right Equipment

You can record your podcast on your existing smartphone or laptop. But, it’s a good idea to invest in a quality microphone to improve the listener’s experience.

  1. Distribute Your Podcast

Figure out how you’re going to distribute your podcast. Podcast hosting refers to where your episodes are stored and distributed to different platforms, like Google Podcasts and Apple.

  1. Promote Your Content

To get the most out of your podcasting marketing strategy, you need to promote your content. Post it on your website, share it on social media, and include it in your law firm’s newsletter. If possible, partner with another legal podcaster to promote each other’s content.

  1. Measure and Repeat

When you use a podcast hosting platform, you’ll get access to valuable analytics. Find out how well your efforts doing with regards to subscriptions, downloads, shares, and conversions. Make any adjustments necessary and start planning your next podcast episode.

Podcasting for Lawyers – Keeping it Simple

Launching a podcast for your law firm doesn’t have to blow through the marketing budget or be overly complex. There are simple recording and editing tools available, and you can outsource the post-production process if you don’t want to handle it in-house.

A single recording session can be repurposed into several pieces of useful content, making the best use of your time and resources. If you want to figure out how to start using and making the most of this strategy, Too Darn Loud Legal Marketing can help. Give us a call today to get started.